Wednesday, August 13, 2008

WelcomeTo My Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging. I doubt that anyone is going to be interested in what I have to say in this blog, I just enjoy writing down my thoughts and sharing things that are interesting to me with other people. This particular blog will be primarily about one of my biggest passions which is hunting and the outdoors.

The name Broken Glass Outdoors is something that I came up with a couple of years ago. My father and I own a couple of glass and mirror companies in Dallas. We are always dreaming about owning a big ranch someday. I decided that if we ever purchased a ranch that we would name it Broken Glass Ranch, since the price of land is so high today (especially in the areas of Texas that we are interested in), it would probably break us to own one. Over the past few years I have found great enjoyment in filming my hunts. at the end of the year when I am editing my videos and putting them on DVD I wanted to have a company name at the beginning of my video (like the big boys do), so I decided on Broken Glass Outdoors. I know that it is kind of silly, but I have fun with it.

I have always wanted to keep a journal of my hunting seasons and adventures in the outdoors. After looking at blogs from other people who share the same passions as I do, I decided that a blog might be the perfect vehicle. I have a 5,000 acre lease that I hunt on in Brady, Texas that always provides excitement. This year I have a week long trip to Kansas planned with a couple of my good friends from high school. Through out the year I plan on documenting these hunting trips, by writing about them, posting pictures and links to my videos. I will also include articles and other things that I find interesting.

If you stumble upon this blog, I hope that you enjoy it, I am glad to have you. If you don't, I can understand, as I said earlier I doubt that anyone is interested in what I have to say. I am not sure how often I will add content, but I will try to do it weekly.

Until next time.....

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