Thursday, October 29, 2009

Latest Kansas Bucks

Here are the best bucks in the latest pictures that I received from the land owner in Kansas where I will be hunting. Nothing spectacular, but I am still really fired up. Only 10 days away!

I am leaving today to go hunting at my friend Shane's ranch in Oklahoma. I am really looking forward to it, from everything that I have heard his ranch is incredible. I have never hunted deer in Oklahoma. I will probably only be running a video camera, if I get some good footage I will definitely try to post it here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Video: 192" Illinois Monster

This video has got me all fired up! I just got this off of

This buck was taken by president Todd Graf. He hunted this buck for 2 years and finally got the shot. Best thing is he got it all on film.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Possible New Alaskan Moose World Record

This is a moose that I found on the internet taken in September with Archery equipment by Darin Mack of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Rough scoring has the bull at 255 with a 75" spread. Awesome stuff! There is talk of it possibly being the new Pope and Young world record. I guess will just have to wait and see. Congratulations to the hunter, I can't imagine what that animal looked like in the wild.

Follow Up To Minnesota Buck Post From Last Week

From all reports, it appears that the giant buck taken in Minnesota by Scott O'Konek will break the Minnesota state archery record. Field and Stream's website has a nice write up about the buck with a picture gallery.

Click Here to go to the article on
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13 Days and Counting Until Kansas

Buck taken with muzzle loader near the property I will be hunting in Kansas

I had another disappointing weekend in Brady, Texas this past weekend, though I did see quite a few more deer than the last weekend I went. I saw probably 7 or 8 bucks, the best of which was about a 4 1/2 year old 10 point. My dad did not see as much as I did, but he did see a shooter 10 point on Friday afternoon.

I ended up killing 2 pigs on Saturday afternoon, and gained a little bit of confidence with my new Hoyt Alphamax.

Now I have my sights set on Kansas. It is only 13 days until I will be up there, hunting in one of the top producing states in the country chasing after rutting whitetail. I am completely stoked about the possibilities.

I just had a picture emailed to me by the land owner where we will be hunting of a buck killed by one of his friends on a nearby property with a muzzle loader. I don't have any details on measurements or score, but I would gladly accept the opportunity to take a shot at a buck like this.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Disagree Wtih The Dallas Safari Club's Stance On This Issue!

I came across this article from the Washington Post yesterday. It was in my Dallas Safari Club Weekly briefing email. I am a member of the Dallas Safari Club, and I think that they do some great things, but I am not really sure that I agree with their stance and pursuit of this issue.

It seems that they have teamed up with some other wildlife conservation groups in an effort to lobby to law makers to pass legislation that will regulate greenhouse emissions in an effort to bring about more climate control. I, like every other sportsman, am all in favor of protecting our wildlife and making hunting available for generations to come, but I am torn on this issue. I am tired of the government being involved in and regulating every little piece of our lives, and I am not really a big believer in the whole global warming movement.

I think that we can all do more to preserve the earths climate and wildlife around us, but I do not think that we need more laws and taxes to accomplish this. I think that we need more education and programs developed by organizations such as the Dallas Safari Club and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. In order for groups such as these to take these steps in protecting the environment and wildlife, they need more people to join with them and contribute to their groups whether it be through volunteer work or private donations. By asking the government to get involved and pass legislation (legislation that once is passed we will be stuck with good or bad) we are giving up more of our rights as citizens, and we have already given up entirely too many of them.

Click Here To Read The Article From The Washington Post

U.S. hunters, anglers lobby for climate bill

By Ed Stoddard and Richard Cowan
Sunday, October 18, 2009; 8:27 AM

DALLAS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An unlikely lobbying group is pressing the U.S. Senate to curb greenhouse gas emissions: American hunting and fishing groups who fear climate change will disrupt their sport.

Hunters and anglers are mainly a Republican Party constituency representing tens of millions of votes in the U.S. heartland and could help swing crucial votes as the Senate tries to pass legislation to cut carbon output.

Twenty national hunting and fishing groups urged senators in a letter last month to ensure "the climate legislation you consider in the Senate both reduces greenhouse gas emissions and safeguards natural resources."

Among those calling for "comprehensive" legislation were groups not usually associated with liberal causes, like the Dallas Safari Club, the National Trappers Association and Pheasants Forever.

One of their worries, for example, is that the fowl they hunt might not migrate as far south if northern U.S. states become warmer.

"If you go out and hunt at the same time in the same season and the same place every year, then you understand the changes that are happening," said Jeremy Symons, senior vice president for conservation at the National Wildlife Federation, which claims a membership 420,000 sportsmen in 46 states.

These groups will be going up against powerful Washington lobbies -- the coal and oil industries, for example -- that are pushing hard to soften any mandatory pollution controls.

Legislation to reduce U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide, which scientists link to global warming, is one of President Barack Obama's top domestic policy priorities.

He has urged fellow Democrats in Congress to send him a bill before December's international climate summit in Copenhagen. But the effort has bogged down in the Senate, where most Republicans and some moderate Democrats are loathe to talk about the prospects of higher energy prices that could result.


Hunting and global-warming activism usually mix about as well as oil and water.

Former President George W. Bush, ex-Vice President Dick Cheney and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin are the most prominent on a long list of hunting and fishing Republican politicians who have cast doubt on the link between burning fossil fuels and climate change.

But hunters and anglers spend a lot of time outdoors and notice changes like shifting bird migrations or earlier spring run-offs in rivers from melting snow.

Republicans are mostly skeptical of any move to "cap and trade" U.S. carbon emissions that result from burning coal and oil, decrying it as a massive job-killing tax by forcing the use of more expensive wind and solar power.

The NWF estimates that 42 million Americans hunt or fish and that those sports and other wildlife-related activities contribute around $172 billion to the economy.

A nationwide survey the NWF commissioned in 2006 found that half of all licensed hunters and anglers counted themselves as "evangelical Christians," a heavily Republican group.

A 2008 NWF poll of over 1,000 hunters and fishers found that over half classified themselves as "politically conservative." The respondents were mostly white, male and middle-aged -- classic Republican demographic.

Even so, 85 percent agreed with the statement: "We can improve the environment and strengthen the economy by investing in renewable energy technologies that create jobs while reducing global warming."

Lindsey Graham, a conservative Republican senator from South Carolina, broke ranks with his party and outlined a compromise to limit carbon emissions in a New York Times opinion piece he co-wrote with Democratic Senator John Kerry.

That won him praise from national hunting groups and local ones in South Carolina, which has a robust outdoor sports culture woven into its rural fabric.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monster Minnesota Buck Taken On Military Base

This buck was reportedly shot by an archery hunter, Scott Okonek, on the Camp Ripley military base near Little Falls, Minnesota. The buck has 32 points and weighed 195 pounds. He is thought to be 5 years old. Check out the brow tines on this buck!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Boone and Crocketts in the the New Millenium

This is a pretty cool thing on

This shows where the top producers of all big game animals recognized by the Boone and Crockett Club of North America since the year 2000.

Click Here To Read More

Deer Eating Meat?

Photo Courtesy Of Pete Squibb
From Espn Outdoors - A deer chews on a dead cottontail rabbit.

Check out this article on ESPN Outdoors' web site about studies that have shown that deer are not herbivores, but actually there is some proof and photographic evidence that they are in fact omnivores.

Kansas Muzzleloader Mulie

Check out this non typical mulie I found in the trophy section of the Boone and Crockett Club Website.

The buck was killed by Jeff Watt and unofficially scores 253 gross non typical. The Kansas state record non typical is 260 6/8 taken in 1965. According to there have been eight non typical mule deer bucks entered into the record books since 2000. The highest scoring of those eight bucks is 236 1/8 taken in 2006.

Check out the Trophy Watch section of the Boone and Crockett Club website to find the latest information on great big game animals taken.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

184 Buck Shot at La Bandera Ranch

I checked the Los Cazadores Deer Contest results and found this buck that scores 184 that was shot at La Bandera Ranch. I went to La Bandera Ranch two weeks ago on a big dove hunt. They have some incredible deer on that place. This is a low fence deer taken with a gun by John Bruciak of Brownsville, Texas. I would imagine that this deer cost $20,000.00 or more. That is a pretty steep price to pay for a deer. Even if I had the money to do it, I don't think I would, but I do not have any problems with a hunter that wants to do that.

Click Here to see a previous post with some of the pictures I took at La Bandera Ranch

This Kansas Kid Can Shoot

Check out this video of a kid in Kansas that shoots clays with his bow. Pretty cool party trick!

Click Here To See Video

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oklahoma P & Y Down!

My long time friend and hunting buddy, Shane Howell, took a very nice 10 point with his bow at his ranch in Oklahoma this past weekend. Shane was worried about the shot, thinking that he had hit it a little far back. He said that the deer went 60 to 70 yards before he went down for the count, that is not a bad shot at all.
Shane says that the bucks unofficial gross P & Y score is 145 7/8, being a nice typical 10 point, he should easily meet the P & Y minimum net score. Congratulations to Shane on his first P & Y qualifying buck.
I hope he can get another one in a few weeks when we make our trip to Jewel County Kansas!

Alberta 203 Typical Velvet Buck

I found this picture in the trophy watch section of the Boone and Crockett website. Supposedly the buck has an unofficial score of 203 typical P & Y. Boone and Crockett does not accept entries unless the velvet is stripped from the antlers.

Minnesota Monster Bow Kill

The pictures of all the big bucks falling in the early part of the 2009 whitetail season have started circulating the internet. I have not really posted any that I have received this year, but I am going to start today.

This is a a buck taken in Minnesota. I do not have anymore information on it, but will post it if I get any.

Type The Rest Here

Monday, October 12, 2009

Birthday Weekend, First Hunt of the 2009 Season

iphone self portrait in a tree stand during an afternoon hunt October 10, 2009
I was bored

I wish that I had something exciting to report about this past weekend, but I really don’t. Friday was my birthday, and it started off bright and early when a house two doors down from mine was struck by lightning and caught on fire. I guess in a weird way, that was exciting. My wife and my daughter gave me some new Under Armour camo, and that was exciting. I went to Brady that afternoon to hunt for the first time this year. That is where the excitement ended. I think I only saw 5 or 6 deer the whole weekend, and no shooters. I guess this is kind of a good thing since my bow is sort of messed up right now and not real safe to shoot. (I am waiting on a part to come in from Hoyt) None the less it was fun to get back in a tree doing what I love the most which is bow hunting. The sport would not be very fun if it was easy and I was able to see a shooter buck every time I went out, but I would have liked a little more encouragement. Oh well, I will be back out there in two weeks and hopefully there will be more deer movement and I will have something better to write about.

I did get a few good bucks on my game cameras, so I did have a slight bit of encouragement. Below is the best buck that I caught on camera. I have been watching him for about the last two years. I have some good video of him from 2007.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oklahoma Game Cam Pic

Here is a picture of a buck that a good friend of mine, Shane Howell, hopes to take on his ranch in Oklahoma. This is a free ranging buck. I hope that he can do it. I am not sure if he has any pictures of him out of velvet yet.

Click Here To Enlarge Picture

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Recent Kansas Buck Pics!

Here are a couple of more recent pictures of bucks that the owner of the land where I will be hunting sent me. I can not wait to get up there! I am not picky, I will gladly stick one of these bucks if I am blessed with the opportunity.

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Hunting Social Networking Site is a new social networking site for hunters where you can share photos of game harvested and fish caught. One thing that I really like about this site is the internet legends page. This page research the validity of all of the emails that circulate in the hunting world. It is pretty cool.

Click Here To Read About The Site

Kansas Game Camera Pics

These are some of the game camera pictures that we have been getting from the land that we are going to be hunting on in Kansas this year. Most of them are velvet pictures from a litle over a month ago. I am still waiting on some more recent photos. It looks like we could have a few potential shooters.

Click Here To View Photos

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pictures From La Bandera Ranch

Here are some pictures from my trip to La Bandera Ranch this week!

Click Here To View

The awesome pool, perfect after an evening hunt!

View of the dining room, the 2 bucks pictured are a couple of Boone and Crockett bucks taken off the ranch.

Me shooting at the box quail competition

Ol Boy 5.5 year old breeder buck. 205 B & C

Pen of 2.5 year old bucks

3.5 year old 200 class B & C buck

La Bandera Ranch

I just got back yesterday from an incredible dove hunt in south Texas at La Bandera Ranch located just outside of Carrizo Springs. I went with a group of 16 guys which included my dad. Many of the people on the trip I already knew, but a few of them I met for the first time and now consider them to all be friends.
The trip started on Tuesday morning. My dad and I went to Meacham Airport in Ft Worth to meet our traveling party. Randy Pack, Larry Hilscher and Phillip Bell all own a King Air, and that is what we flew directly to the ranch. The plane turned 7 hours of traveling (if we went by truck) into just a little more than 1 hour. We landed on the airstrip located on La Bandera ranch. The other half of the group left from Executive Airport in Dallas, the plane they were traveling in was a Merlin.
The minute we touched down at the ranch we were greeted by 2 pickup trucks with seating for 8 in the back end and 2 suburbans. All of our gear was loaded in the suburbans and we all piled into the back of the pickups to go to the lodge.
My dad has been on a couple of quail hunting trips to this ranch the past few years and has always had a great time. He tried to explain what the accommodations were like, but his words and his pictures did not do it justice. The ranch is a first class operation. The lodge area is beautiful and extremely roomy. The pool and spa are spectacular; it almost looked out of place in the brush country of south Texas.
Most of us doubled up on rooms, but it was very comfortable with plenty of space. There was a large seating area in the middle of the sleeping quarters (for lack of a better term) that had all kinds of African and exotic mounts that I assume were killed by the owner of the ranch, Bob Hixson. Outside the sleeping area was a large port cache where the ranch vehicles would drop us off and pick us up. Across from that was the dining room, which was dominated by a large elephant mount and several of the Boone and Crockett class bucks that have been taken on the ranch. Across from the dining room was a large game room complete with a full wet bar, margarita machine included. This room was also littered with various trophy mounts of big game fish, elk, mule deer, bears, crocodiles and many other animals. Outside the game room and the dining room was a large outdoor fire place and seating area. An industrial type cooler loaded with beer, water and soft drinks and the pool and hot tub. The pool was on a deck that looked out toward old Mexico to the west. The view of the sunset was amazing from the pool deck. Just below the pool deck was an immaculate five stand setup for clay shooting. Whoever designed and built this retreat thought of everything and spared no expenses. This was a true sportsman’s paradise!
After a quick lunch we changed clothes, got our guns and split up into 2 groups of 8 to go out to the dove fields. We made a friendly wager between groups on which one would shoot the most birds, and of course my team won (not without plenty of protest and bickering from the other team) that first afternoons hunt was great, I think everyone on my team got their 15 bird limit.
After the hunt we returned to the lodge, changed out of our hunting clothes and all enjoyed the evening pool side. That night the cooks prepared us a wonderful Mexican dinner and then we retired to the outdoor sitting area and spent the night drinking, telling lies and enjoying good company amongst friends.
Wednesday morning we did not go to the fields to hunt dove, instead the ranch had arranged a box quail shoot. This is a game that usually involves pigeons, but it is the same none the less. I am not going to go into too much detail about what is involved in this game so as not to offend anyone or give the anti hunting community any extra ammunition. I do have to say that this was one of the most fun competitions I have ever participated in. We played 4 different games and therefore there were 4 more friendly wagers. Of course, once again, my team won 3 of the 4 bets. After the box bird competition we went back to the lodge and ate a nice lunch, and listened to the members of the other team bitch about how unfair the game was.
After lunch we got to tour the deer breeding program that the ranch has. This was very interesting. I learned quite a bit from the ranches breeding program manager and got to see some of the biggest bucks that I will ever have the opportunity of seeing alive, many were over 200 Boone and Crockett. When we were finished touring the breeding pens some of the group took naps while others hung out in the pool, myself included, relaxing before the evenings dove hunt.
We went to different fields for the evening hunt, and they were not as good as the previous evening. I think I ended up with 9 or 10 birds, which is not bad, but could have been better. My dad shot really well that evening, I think he got about 13 or 14, and led our team. I do have to admit that this evening I was on the losing end of the wager, even after bending the rules a little and hunting for about 30 minutes longer than the agreed upon stopping time, the other team beat us pretty handily. They were in a much better area; they had to have paid the guides to take us to the worst field on the ranch.
That night we ate rib eyes, baked potatoes, broccoli and cheese, and apple pie. It was a very manly meal that hit the spot. We were all pretty tired, but still spent quite a bit of time after dinner sitting by the outdoor fire place drinking beer and wine and telling the more stories and jokes. Many of the stories and jokes were the same as the ones told the night before, but due to the abundant spirits being served, no one really seemed to care, or remember for that matter.
The final morning came early; we were all out of bed before sunrise and headed out to the dove fields. My team went back to the field that we had so much success at the first evening, but it was not nearly as productive this morning. I ended up with 10 birds, 5 shy of the 15 bird limit. We didn’t have a bet on this hunt, I guess we had all grown tired of the arguing and it just did not seem like as much fun to us. After the hunt, I took a shower and packed my bags. A few of the guys got in the pool for a little while, and then we ate a big breakfast that was prepared for us.
At about 12:00 we all loaded up and headed to the runway to get on our respective planes and head back to Dallas and Ft Worth. I got to ride in the cock pit on the way home with my planes pilot, John. It was really cool listening to the air traffic controllers and seeing everything from a different perspective. I still do not have any desire to fly myself, but it was a neat experience none the less.
I hope that we go on this trip next year. It was a very memorable experience with a great group of guys. Our guides, Art and Alan were great! The food was great! The accommodations were first class! I will remember this week for the rest of my life. I thank my dad, John Roy Reid and Randy Pack for inviting me to go on this trip. Now it is time for deer season! I am not going to get to go to Brady this weekend for the bow season opener because I told my wife I would go to the A & M Arkansas game a year ago not thinking about the consequences, but you can bet I will be in a tree next weekend, and Kansas is only 4 or 5 weeks away! I am looking forward to another great hunting season, if nothing else happens this season, this past trip has already made it a great one.