Monday, January 5, 2009

Cassie "Big Guns" Hampe's First Buck

This is a deer that a good friend of mine Cassie shot this past weekend. What a great first deer. The funny thing is that I was just at her wedding on December 20th. What a lucky man her husband Clark is to be able to talk her into deer hunting instead of a honeymoon.  

Click here to read the story written by Cassie!

Ok so Clark wanted to take me Deer hunting this past, not our official honeymoon, but it wouldnt surprise me if he offered that up!

Anyway, we got to the deer lease on Friday and went hunting that afternoon. I got to take my dog, Tucker. Anyway, Tucker is the gayest dog you will ever meet.

He is scared of everything so I wanted him to get out in the country. Well, we took him to the first deer stand that was on the ground and we all got into the old crappy deer stand and well lets just say, Tucker was panting so loud that he scared off any animal that might have come into a mile radius. 

So we gave up and went to another deer stand. Tucker stayed in the car, which was fine by him! We climbed up into this really nice deer stand and watched for about 2 hours... 9 doe and 2 bucks come up and eat corn. It was really cool. Of Coarse each one that came up, I asked Clark " can we get that one?" 11 times I asked and 11 times he said "no there too young" so I was kinda happy that I/we didnt have to slaughter any animals. 

Then next day we got up early to hunt and went to the same deer stand (nice one) and saw nothing! Then that afternoon we moved to another stand which is crappy. basically 4 pieces of thin wood somehow put together. There were 2 stands side by side. Clark was in one and I was in the other! Believe it or not we had to text message each other to talk and only 1 pair of binoculars. He used them. I used my scope. 

So we are sitting there and 1 comes in and I text him" ...huge deer 12:00...clark texts "nope too young" then another deer comes in and I say "huge deer 2:00" he says "nope too young" again this happens with 2 more deer. Then an hour before it got dark i see horns move in the bushes and type so fast i misspelled every word to clark..."huge deer 12:00" well , he saw it too and I was right this time it was huge. Clark said that it was a shooter and if HE could do it. I said

"yes" and then he texted me again saying no you do it! ...My hands were shaking soooo hard and then he said "now" so I shot and cant believe I got him! 

Well , then we had to go look for the deer. I knew exactly where I lost it we went there and there he was. He did look alot bigger in my scope! (he looked like an elk) 

So, my deal to go deer hunting was that I would shoot but not clean. Clark was ok with that. So we found the deer and then I went off to get the car and bring it around. About 20 minutes later i pull up and the gross stuff had been done and we took it to the barn. Thank god 2 guys drove up and helped Clark cause I could tell by the look in Clark's eyes that I was gonna have to help or do something near all that blood. So they helped him hang it and jesus, they talked about the horns for about 30 minutes...kinda like golfers talk about EACH stroke they hit playing 18 holes. 

It was really fun, but the house that we stayed in scared the crap out of me. It was a..i dont know what to call it, but when you got about half way thru the house it started slanting and you had to put on the breaks before you ran into the wall on the other side. Plus the oven was dated from like 1920! Oh yeah and Tucker was just as nervous as I was in the house, but as soon as he got his tennis ball he was fine. I never found my "tennis" ball so of coarse the more time we could spend in the deer stand the better for me! I couldnt stare in one place for too long in that house or I would have had a melt down. 

All my friends kept saying, "cant believe you shot a deer" . We were staying in town next to a crack house and between the crackies music next door and Clark snoring, I would have shot my own mother to get home sooner! 

I also got to carry my gun on my hip like a cowboy and shoot up some bottles and cans. That was a lot of fun... and after our Snake story, You better believe I had my snake boots on/ and gun at my hip (with those special snake bullets) (I added the snake story below) 

my deer: 

Used to be 8 point but a horn had broken off so it was 7 points.

It was the biggest deer caught on all three ranches so far this year!

Clark says I am spoiled now! 

Here are some pics of the weekend.

The first one is of Tucker looking pretty you can see his ball is next to him and it is the only way to get him out of the car.

The next deer picture is of me and then the next one, I made Clark put the deers tongue back in his mouth.


-Cassie "big gun" Grimes..oops I mean Hampe.





That is a funny story!

cassiesmu said...

Ok that story below about the spider bull, I swear that it was my buck looked like when i first saw him thru my scope!

"Big Gun's" Husband said...

Congratulations on a fantastic buck Cassie! Some people hunt a lifetime and never get the opportunity to take such a fine animal. This buck had a 19 inch inside spread, alot of mass and his G2's were 11 inches (right) and 10 inches (left). Without the broken main beam on the right side (and assuming symmetry prior to the break), he would easily be a 130 class deer. I will update y'all on the final numbers when he comes back from the taxidermist. I am a very proud husband!

P.S. - Remember what we talked about Cassie...we don't use the word "catch" when we talk about "killing", "taking" or "shooting" a deer. :)

Unknown said...

That is pretty funny! Cassie is the only girl I know that could be looking like a model at her wedding and less than two weeks later killing her first buck!!!