Monday, October 12, 2009

Birthday Weekend, First Hunt of the 2009 Season

iphone self portrait in a tree stand during an afternoon hunt October 10, 2009
I was bored

I wish that I had something exciting to report about this past weekend, but I really don’t. Friday was my birthday, and it started off bright and early when a house two doors down from mine was struck by lightning and caught on fire. I guess in a weird way, that was exciting. My wife and my daughter gave me some new Under Armour camo, and that was exciting. I went to Brady that afternoon to hunt for the first time this year. That is where the excitement ended. I think I only saw 5 or 6 deer the whole weekend, and no shooters. I guess this is kind of a good thing since my bow is sort of messed up right now and not real safe to shoot. (I am waiting on a part to come in from Hoyt) None the less it was fun to get back in a tree doing what I love the most which is bow hunting. The sport would not be very fun if it was easy and I was able to see a shooter buck every time I went out, but I would have liked a little more encouragement. Oh well, I will be back out there in two weeks and hopefully there will be more deer movement and I will have something better to write about.

I did get a few good bucks on my game cameras, so I did have a slight bit of encouragement. Below is the best buck that I caught on camera. I have been watching him for about the last two years. I have some good video of him from 2007.

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