Friday, July 10, 2009

Heartland Bowhunter; Style and Substance

I have found a new hunting show that I am really impressed with. Many of you may have already seen it, but I just found out about it the other day while listening to an episode of Bowcast. The show is called Heartland Bowhunter. The owner/ creator of the show, Jeff Simpson was on this particular podcast discussing his approach to the TV show and the reasons that he left his real job to start a TV show. I was very impressed with what Jeff had to say, so I immediately went home and set my dvr to record the series.

Click Here To Read More

The show is actually in its second season and I believe that it just started a week or so ago. So far I have only seen episode 2 of season 2 in its entirety. I have also watched the season 2 trailer on their website I cannot pin down exactly what is so intriguing about this show to me other than it just has a certain feel to it unlike any other hunting shows on TV today. On the Bowcast podcast Jeff explained that he was really into the photography/ videography aspect of the show and it is obvious. It appears that these guys care just as much if not more about the video quality and production of the show. Don’t get me wrong, there is still great hunting action and great deer as in all hunting shows, these guys just take it to a new refreshing level. Everything they shoot (by shoot I mean film not kill) that makes it to the final cut seems to be perfectly framed and composed as if you were looking at a fine picture rather than a video.
Another thing that stands out to me is that Jeff and his team is really focused on telling a good story. By telling a story I mean by both the dialogue and the camera. They get all of the shots that let the viewer feel like they are part of the hunt. When I use the word “hunt” I am talking about all that goes into a hunt, not just the actual pursuit and killing of an animal. In my experience the best things about hunts are the little things. Sure killing a big buck is great, but there is so much more that goes into the hunt itself other than killing. The actual kill is the icing on the cake, but that part usually happens in a few minutes, the real memories and stories come from the companionship shared with your hunting party and all of the sights, sounds and beauty of the animals and area that you are hunting. Up until this show I think that Realtree Road trips were the only show that was doing a good job of telling a story, which is why it is also one of my favorite hunting shows.
I try to video all of my hunts and know that doing what the Heartland Bowhunter team is doing is really hard work. Granted I am self filming my hunts where as these guys generally have a hunter and a cameraman, but to achieve the artistic quality that this show has takes vision and talent. Just look at their website and it is obvious that these guys have a since of style that is not common in the hunting industry as it stands today.
If you want to see episode 1 of season 2 titled “Velvet” you can stream it in HD quality from the site I am looking forward to watching the rest of season 2 and I am going to order the season 1 DVD on the Heartland Bowhunter website. I am really jacked up about this show, and if you like a little style along with your substance then you will enjoy it also.
Side Note: The website looks like it is going to be a really cool site when it gets more of a following. I am not sure if it is owned and operated by Heartland Bowhunter or not, but I did find out about it on their website. I am going to look into it more and will write about it in an upcoming post.

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